This Library shares many of the core content offerings of the CCR, as well as the teachings and influences that have shaped our mission and leaders. To browse, select a content type area, or navigate to “All Resources” to filter by theme, type, or domain area. If you are looking for something specific, use our “Search” bar.
Journal Articles
Published journalistic writings and scientific articles by CCR founders and contributors. To sort by theme or domain, navigate to the “All Resources” section.
Featured Journal Articles
All Journal Articles
Books that were written by CCR founders and contributors or that we recommend to learn more about contemplative science and practice. To sort by theme or domain, navigate to the “All Resources” section.
Featured Books
All Books
Meditation Sessions
Meditation sessions taught by CCR teachers. These are the guided meditations alone, but where relevant, we link to the associated teachings. To sort by theme or domain, navigate to the “All Resources” section.
Podcasts hosted by the CCR (forthcoming) or on which CCR representatives have been guests. To sort by theme or domain, navigate to the “All Resources” section.
Lectures, teachings, and dialogues from a variety of forums that explore foundational concepts to the CCR’s mission and probe into some of the deepest questions of consciousness and well-being.