Erika Rosenberg, Ph.D. is a world-renowned expert in facial expression, who trains and consults on facial measurement using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) with academic, corporate, digital arts, and entertainment industry clients worldwide. She is the protégé of Paul Ekman, senior author of FACS, and has published widely on this measurement system, including educational materials and original scientific research, and currently is revising the official FACS manual. Dr. Rosenberg is Chief Scientific Officer at Humain, Ltd., a company that create digital humans, fantasy creatures and digital doubles for many of the top entertainment and technology companies around the world.
Dr. Rosenberg is also Founding Faculty at the Compassion Institute, a non-profit devoted to promoting compassion education worldwide. She co-authored the Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) program with Thupten Jinpa and others in 2009 at Stanford University. In 2010 she presented the CCT program to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Dr. Rosenberg is Faculty at The Nyingma Institute in Berkeley and has offered meditation trainings in such diverse international venues such as: Lerab Ling Monastery, Upaya Zen Center, The Telluride Institute, and Burning Man.
Erika is co-author of the McGraw-Hill textbook, Psychology: Perspectives and Connections (5e is in press), Fundamentals of Psychology: Perspectives and Connections (1e), and What the Face Reveals (with Paul Ekman), now in press in it’s 3rd edition, and numerous scientific articles and chapters on FACS, facial expression, emotion, and meditation.
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