What is a Mind Lab

What is a mind lab?

Each CCR mind lab is designed to provide an optimal environment for individuals who are committed to undergoing the necessary years of training to become true professionals in contemplative science. These practitioners are willing to do what it takes to turn their own minds into suitable instruments of technology: to go from being stargazers to astronomers, with their own minds as the highly-refined telescopes. Mind labs are also tuned to empirical scientific research, with controllable environmental variables and attentive operational management.

What is a Mind Lab

Outer Environment

The right outer environment is essential. While it requires significant personal preparation and study to be ready to embark on a path of rigorous contemplative training, one must also have the opportunity to practice in a conducive, supportive environment. Such an optimal place for practice is one in which:

  • Basic necessities like food and clothing are easily obtained, without having to travel outside the hermitage.
  • One feels safe and protected from intrusions or danger.
  • The retreat setting is beautiful and good for one’s health.
  • One shares in companionship with other ethical, like-minded practitioners, focused on essentially the same goals.
  • The environment is quiet and set apart from busy places, so that one is not distracted by regular visitors or excessive noise.
CCR Contemplative Environment

Inner Environment

In additional to the outer environment, professional contemplatives must cultivate an inner environment of mind that is conducive to intensive meditative practice, including contentment with what one does have, few distracting concerns and activities, ethical discipline, patience, and enthusiasm, in support of achieving firm meditative stability that is in turn a form of preparation for cultivating deep insight into the nature of reality through disciplined inquiry.

Expert Guidance

Since inner and outer challenges, or “upheavals,” are bound to arise in the course of intensive practice, it is imperative to have guidance from skilled teachers who have been through such intensive training before, and who are knowledgeable about the immense body of instructions passed on by accomplished contemplatives of the past.
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A mind lab requires three essential components:

  • A quiet, beautiful environment, set apart from towns, cities, or major roads, with individual retreat cabins in which a meditator can practice in solitude for weeks or months on end, voluntarily withdrawn into the isolated laboratory of their own minds and bodies, and supported by a sensitive caretaker.
  • An ethical, loving community of practitioners following similar schedules and practices, with similar goals and a sense of deep mutual respect.
  • Qualified, compassionate, experienced teachers who are well-versed in ancient methods and contemporary applications.

Learn more about short- and long-term retreat.

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