mind lab projects

Mind Lab Projects

Projects within the CCR’s Mind Labs program fall into the following categories:


Renovating existing structures, including mind lab dwellings to host contemplatives-in-training for full-time retreat, and shared community buildings

Construction of new dwellings

Maintenance and safety investments, ensuring conducive environment for contemplative science

Contemplative Training Curriculum

Curriculum development and implementation for long-term retreatants, tailored to support progression in advanced contemplative training


Refining retreatant support processes, ensuring the needs of contemplative practitioners are well met

Community Support

Collaborating with the Crestone community in protecting and nourishing our special environment

Active Projects

A renovation to create a mind lab dwelling for short-term retreat, available to visitors
Keep CCR Crestone’s dwellings, gathering areas, and infrastructure safe and optimally functional to ensure a supportive setting for contemplative science.
Repairing and expanding our communal practice and teaching building
A six- to eight-year training program in the theory and intensive practice of contemplative methods designed to reach a path of irreversible transformation

Related Resources

Get a PhD in Contemplative Science
Rationale for the Establishment of a Network of Contemplative Observatories
What is a Contemplative Research Observatory?