
Christ as Guru: Understanding the Christian Path from a Buddhist Perspective



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In this talk, Dr. Eva Natanya sets a high yet attainable standard for what inter-contemplative dialogue between Christianity and Tibetan Buddhism might, and in her view, must look like. In starting with the question “What if Jesus had been born in India?” (a question she has carried on her contemplative journey for over twenty years), Dr. Natanya dives into the intricacies of how Christian theology developed out of both Hebrew and Greek thought, separating the essential from the provisional along the way. She then explores how the hallmark aspects of Tibetan Buddhism might be infused into Christian contemplative practice in a truly orthodox manner. By exploring the practical and philosophical nuances of both traditions, Dr. Natanya also draws attention to the ways in which these traditions do not easily “match up.” In so doing, she highlights the depth of intellectual and experiential understanding it takes to have a productive inter-contemplative dialogue between these two traditions. Such dialogues have the potential to bring us closer to the fullness of what our own traditions promise.


The Contemplary


Sydney, Australia