
Pilot Study

A mixed-method study on the phenomenology of shamatha and vipashyana contemplative training for full-time meditation retreatants


The purpose of this study is to gain a detailed phenomenological and electrophysiological understanding of the individual experiences and neural correlates of full-time contemplatives engaged in long-term meditation retreats.

This study’s procedures have been approved by an independent institutional review board: Advarra IRB of Columbia, Maryland.


The aims of this work include the following:

  • to explore the quality of subjective experiences in a long-term retreat;
  • to examine whether attentional imbalances — ranging from excitation to dullness — can be overcome;
  • to examine whether there are coherent markers that identify different stages of attentional and emotional development experienced by individuals undertaking this contemplative training; and
  • to observe any changes in the spectral amplitudes and microstates of EEG recordings.


The study will last approximately 45 months; about 20 people, aged 25–85, are expected to participate. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be collected:

  • Full-time contemplatives, as well as control participants who meditate but are not in full-time retreat, will complete weekly reflective journal writing regarding their meditation practice. The journals will be analyzed using a method known as interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA). At the beginning of the study, and then in three-month intervals for approximately one year, the full-time contemplatives and control participants will also complete multiple psychological questionnaires that address attentional and emotional states. Across the three years of the study, the full-time contemplatives will participate in recurring EEG recordings, during which they’ll perform multiple meditation techniques.
  • The CCR’s meditation teachers will participate in recorded interviews with the Principal Investigator to provide independent, expert evaluations of the contemplatives’ subjective experiences, attentional abilities, and introspective insights.