Digitally shared and catalogued contemplative findings
Ideally, researchers would be able to read and cite not only ancient contemplative texts and scholarly commentary but also modern publications produced by living, practicing contemplatives. The CCR is therefore building a web-based micropublication system, tailored to the specific needs of contemplative science. The micropublication format is currently gaining popularity in parts of academia; one notable example is the online journal microPublication Biology. The CCR’s micropublication system will be tailored to the needs of contemplative science, allowing contemplatives to record both (1) epistemic entries regarding meditative experiences and findings, as well as (2) pragmatic entries regarding strategies to address the various challenges that come with long-term and full-time meditative training and inquiry.
Expand scholarly communication from professional contemplatives; increase interdisciplinary collaboration between contemplative traditions and various scientific disciplines.
An open-source, web-based publication system tailored to the needs of contemplative science; a growing corpus of entries comprising a record of findings and strategies shared by contemplatives.
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